21 Marketing Lessons from $0 to $20,000 per month by @DanKulkov.
I saw this post by Dan in January, saved it and I have been checking it out once every two weeks to ensure we are still implementing some of the simple but highly effective tips shared, it is very easy to forget.
If you haven’t see these yet, here they are. Start implementing a few today.
1. Marketing funnel eats launch days for breakfast. [Launch days are good but you need to have a way of consistently getting users to your product after launch]
2. Selling a $99 one-time payment is easier than a $5 monthly subscription. [Especially true for that simple but useful online tool/service you built]
3. If you are afraid of sending one marketing email, you don’t have anything valuable to say.
4. Most of your customers have never posted or replied online. [Refer back to point one]
5. Selling early bird deals is the easiest way to make sure you will ship the product [validate early when you can]
6. Don’t measure metrics that you don’t plan to act on. [Keep things simple always]
7. Good content marketing provides rational (tangible results) and emotional (how does it make me feel) value.
8. Most marketing tasks (cold outreach, audience building, SEO) don’t need any paid tools to get started. [Make useful content and put it out consistently]
9. The easiest way to get backlinks is to do cool shit for 6 plus months. [Build a free useful tool that complements your main tool, put out valuable content consistently etc]
10. Great landing page design will outweigh the lack of product features. [This is mostly about simple landing page structure and copy that speaks to how the product makes things better/easier for the customer]
11. Loom-style product videos will sell x5 better than generic illustrations. [Use videos to explain how your product works and what it does, videos convert better]
12. PageSpeed report scores have nothing to do with SEO, it’s all ego. [Refer back to point 6]
13. Adding Problem Agitation to your landing page will double your conversion rate.
14. You don’t get bonus points for ignoring discounts and Ads.
15. The more details you try to cover, the worse your copy will convert. [Once again keep it simple and straight forward, don’t try to be clever with copy]
16. A weekly newsletter will change your marketing funnel in 1 year. [Refer to point one]
17. Not-email keeping free AI wrappers will triple their results. [These are free tools that you build to complement your main product, you don’t have to collect emails here, let it be truly free]
18. Endorsements from an opinion leader is worth 5 user testimonials. [Find a way to get somebody who is already trusted and sways opinion in your industry to talk about your product, or a relevant influencer]
19. The more users you are willing to lose, the easier it will be to convert your ideal customer. [Users not aligned with your product will only keep you drained, let them go. Learnt this the hard way]
20. The number of marketing experiments has a direct correlation with your monthly recurring revenue. [Keeping finding cool ways to talk about your product and put it out there, there is no magic stick, you have to keep learning, iterating and putting out value. Refer to point one and four]
21. Ask 20 users to roast your landing page, will be painful and life changing. [Feedback is important even for your product as a whole, build with your users]
You don’t have to start with all of them. Choose two today. We started with one, finding a marketing funnel that we can go all in on while constantly iterating and building free tools to bring in more users. Check out Dan’s Twitter, he shares a lot of valuable info on building a product online.
WeBuildIsh – Sharing useful actionable marketing content every Sunday.